March is packed with exciting activities in our HomeLearners Network program, from music and art to science and LEGO adventures! Whether your child loves to sing, sketch, build or experiment, there’s something for everyone.
Take a look at a few of our March activities below
🎶 Sing for the Soul with Dee
- March 4, Ages 8 – 11
- March 5, Ages 12 – 16
Children will find their own unique voice while understanding how to connect with singing as a tool for creativity, joy, play and overall well-being. They’ll explore grounded exercises, breathing techniques, singing warm-ups, group activities, call and response, improvising/free-styling and more!
🎨 Transform Your Sneakers with Amber: March + April
- March 4 & 11
- April 15 & 29
Grab an old pair of sneakers and transform them into a wearable work of art. Children will use their creativity to reimagine a pair of sneakers. They can use paint, embroidery and other embellishments to bring them to life.
📔 Sticker Book camp with Amber, March 4
- Ages 8 – 10
- Ages 11 – 14
Your child will make handmade stickers using paper, wax paper, tape and your favourite art supplies. Then they’ll learn how to hand bind a sticker book, add their own sticker collection and mix ‘em in with the stickers they made.
✏️ Plant Sketching and Facts with Jessica, March 5
Children will learn to sketch all different kinds of plants, herbs and flowers while we learn about each one and what magical things make them special.
🎶 Story Songs with April, March 7 + 14
If your children love creative writing and music, this is for them! They’ll share words that blend into a collaborative musical story! As the story unfolds, melodic songs weave through the tale, inviting all to sing along. This interactive activity enhances language, storytelling and music skills. Children can also draw what they hear in the story for extra fun!
🧱 LEGO Club: Castles with Steven, March 11, 12 + 13
This week in LEGO Club, we will learn about and build castles (March 11), catapults (March 12), dragons and knights (March 13). The final product will be a LEGO castle that children can play with and add to afterward.
🪄 STEAM Magicians: Optical Illusions with Alecyn, March 13
Children will learn mind-bending optical illusion tricks to amaze their friends and family. They’ll learn about the theory of Persistence of Vision and make a Thaumatrope illusion. Children will also explore vision and colour work together and create their own 3D images with DIY glasses.
🪂 Parachute Challenge with Corrina, March 17
In this STEM challenge, children will create a parachute that ensures a safe landing for its passengers. Using household materials, we will dive into the world of science and engineering and work as a team to build mini parachutes.
🟩 Minecraft Education: Coding with Heather, March 20
Children will use problem-solving skills, teamwork and coding to navigate different Minecraft Education coding challenges each week. Choose drag-and-drop block coding, or explore writing code using text. Minecraft Education program download and signed parental waiver required.
🧪️ Home Forensics with Heather, March 26
Children will explore the different ways people leave their marks through fingerprint comparisons, exploring the properties of different fibers, and making and revealing their own secret messages!
✍🏿 Drawing the Portrait with Alecyn, March 26
Children will take an anatomy-first approach to drawing a portrait. Each week, children will focus on a different feature of the face, learn the anatomy of the body part, and will build up their representational skills to draw with more realism.
🧂 Salty Science with Heather, March 28
Salt is not just for making your food tasty, it can do so many things! Children will use salt to make soap luxurious, add texture to paintings, and create their own play dough. Be prepared to get a little bit messy as we explore this incredible material!