Being a SelfDesign parent2024-10-10T16:33:03-07:00

Being a SelfDesign parent

What does it mean to be a SelfDesign parent

You, as a parent, are a vital part of your child’s learning team here at SelfDesign Learning Community. You get the chance to help guide your child’s education and have the freedom and flexibility to live and travel where you want.

Each member of your child’s learning team – you, the learning consultant, learning specialist and service and support providers – is there to facilitate and support your child’s explorations of who they are, what their interests are, and their day-to-day experience of learning.

Being the parent or guardian of a SelfDesign learner requires time, involvement and commitment. Your main role is to support your child as they learn. This includes:

  • Working with your child’s learning consultant and support providers to determine your child’s learning plan for the year (and, if needed, their individual education plan).
  • It involves observing, documenting and sharing your child’s learning on a weekly basis with the learning consultant. Your shared input and observations help to further shape the learning path ahead and allow the learning consultant to assess learning.

From Kindergarten to grade 9, you will be directly involved with Observing for Learning with your learning consultant and then in grades 10-12, the parent is less involved and your child is more directly involved.

SelfDesign has been such a huge part of my evolution in allowing my girls’ freedom to explore their interests rather than simply replicating ‘school’ at home.”

– Roey, SelfDesign Parent

How you and your child work with an educator

It all begins with choosing your Learning Consultant (LC). This is an important relationship built on trust, mutual values and the shared goal of seeing your child succeed. Some families stay with the same LC from K-12, while others shift from year to year depending on needs and interests

Your child’s LC is there to support you and your child on the child’s learning journey and one of your key responsibilities as a parent is to work with them as set out in SelfDesign’s program agreements.

Your child’s learning plan, individual education plan (if needed), learning resources, and assessments of learning all develop out of conversations with your learning consultant.

The weekly conversations about learning that has taken place over the previous days, part of the process we call Observing for Learning, are a vital point of communication between you (and in older grades between the child themself) and your child’s learning consultant. They are also a critical piece of SelfDesign’s approach to learning and can be incredibly rewarding.

Learn more about being a SelfDesign parent

There’s no better way to find out what it’s like to be a SelfDesign parent than by reading stories from other parents who have already been in your shoes. Check out the blog posts below to learn more about choosing an educator, how you work with your educator and more.

Observing for Learning is that reflective process of observing your child and watching what they do as they live and learn. You’re watching their successes and how they manage those, their mistakes and how they learn from those, the laughter, the sadness — everything is a learning experience. It’s not just learning from instruction. It’s about interaction in every moment. Watch them. Understand them. Really watch how they make their connections and how they learn to learn. Recognize that everything is learning.”

– Todd, SelfDesign Parent

The benefits of being a SelfDesign parent

You have flexibility to travel as a family & live anywhere in BC

You get quality time with your child

You’re a part of your child’s education

You are fully supported by a B.C. certified educator and resources

You choose your educator, if possible

How you are supported as a SelfDesign parent

We offer a multitude of resources to help your child pursue their passions while achieving educational outcomes. We’re also here to help them build relationships. From in-person camps, peer-to-peer opportunities and supporting learners with special needs, to our Learning Experience Library, and our HomeLearners Network program, we’re here to help your child succeed.

A special course just for parents

Choosing to have your child learn at home and in community is a big decision. But you’re not alone on this journey and you’re not alone as you enter or transition to SelfDesign – we’re here to support you right from the start.

The SelfDesign approach may differ from your typical experience with school and you may experience an adjustment when you begin your SelfDesign journey, which is normal and expected.

Don’t worry, our former Director of Organizational Learning & Culture, River Meyer, developed a course to help you. A SelfDesign Path is a guided, interactive online course that explores the SelfDesign philosophy in practice in your daily family life.

A SelfDesign Path

Can my child graduate? YES!

Your child has the same opportunity to graduate as a learner in brick-and-mortar (traditional classroom-based) schools. Your child can apply to post-secondary institutions to further their education and work toward a future professional career. We support your child in achieving their goal of completion in the way that best suits them.

We offer three pathways:

  • B.C. Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma
  • British Columbia Adult Graduation Diploma (BCAGD or “Adult Dogwood” Diploma)
  • School Completion (“Evergreen”) Certificate

The B.C. Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma) is awarded to students who successfully complete the provincial graduation requirements. Students require a minimum of 80 credits to graduate. – B.C. Ministry of Education and Child Care.

The British Columbia Adult Graduation Diploma (BCAGD or “Adult Dogwood” Diploma) is for adult learners (18 and older) who want to take courses in order to complete high school and obtain their adult high school diploma. – B.C. Ministry of Education and Child Care

The School Completion (“Evergreen”) Certificate is intended to celebrate success in learning that is not recognized in a Certificate of Graduation. It is used to recognize the accomplishments of students with special needs and an Individual Education Plan, who have met the goals of their education program, other than graduation (and not all students with special needs should be in an Evergreen Certificate Program). The Evergreen Certificate is not a graduation credential; students who receive an Evergreen have not graduated. It is important that students and their parents clearly understand that the Evergreen represents the completion of personal learning goals but does not represent graduation. – B.C. Ministry of Education and Child Care

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Learners Graduate with Dual Certification

At commencement, SelfDesign learners can receive a Dogwood Diploma, an Adult Dogwood Diploma, or a School Completion Certificate along with a SelfDesign certificate with the prestigious Cognia seal. The Cognia seal signifies that SelfDesign adheres to globally recognized educational standards, making it easier for graduates to be considered by top institutions, including Cognia-accredited schools worldwide.

The Cognia certification is especially beneficial for families relocating overseas. Whether applying to online programs or traditional schools worldwide, the accreditation validates that SelfDesign learners come from a high-quality, respected educational background.

SelfDesign’s partnership with Cognia began in 2011, reflecting our dedication to maintaining and exceeding high standards in education. Cognia is a non-profit organization based in the U.S. that has been accrediting schools for over 100 years. Its comprehensive framework supports continuous improvement, ensuring that institutions like SelfDesign are equipped to meet learners’ and families’ diverse and evolving needs.

With Cognia’s extensive reach, accrediting 36,000 institutions in over 90 countries, and serving nearly 25 million students globally, a SelfDesign certificate with the Cognia seal represents a competitive advantage for learners pursuing further education. By equipping learners with the Cognia-endorsed SelfDesign certificate, graduates are well-prepared to explore new educational horizons and thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

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Why Parents Choose SelfDesign for their Children

Parents choose SelfDesign for their children for a multitude of reasons. Some parents choose SelfDesign because their children’s needs aren’t being met in the traditional school setting. Some choose SelfDesign for the flexibility and some choose it because their children are able to be the best version of themselves possible, in a setting that allows them to thrive. Check out the video to find out more.

SelfDesign really gave me the freedom and the space to explore my passions by interweaving them with SelfDesign’s curriculum. If I didn’t have that opportunity, I may not have found what I’m passionate about so early on in life.”

– Gabe, Class of 2022

Where are our alumni now?

What really sets us apart is that while learners follow the pathways that are common to every school in the province and indeed achieve their Dogwood or other certification, we take it further in SelfDesign and set them up for where they are headed next. That’s the whole point. When you believe in lifelong learning, the goal isn’t just to achieve a credential. It’s actually to achieve the skills needed to continue to learn everywhere you go.”

– Nikki Kenyon, Director of Organizational Learning and Culture

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