5 Benefits of Hands-On Science for Kids

Learning science is a way for kids to unveil the many mysteries of our world! When science is a hands-on experience, kids interact with materials and technology, witness cause-and-effect relationships, understand things they can't see, and gain a sense of [...]

SelfDesign contractors gather in person to connect and learn together

For the first time in four years, SelfDesign leadership, educators and other contractors gathered together in person to meet one another, in some cases for the first time, to catch up with old friends face to face, and to learn [...]

2023-08-01T16:20:22-07:00July 28th, 2023|Our Approach|

Learning from past experiences to smooth the transition to new technologies

Part 3 in our series on how we seek out and apply continuous learning and continuous improvement to all aspects of SelfDesign.   As an online school, SelfDesign® Learning Community relies on its technology to facilitate communication and interaction between [...]

2023-07-25T10:46:33-07:00July 19th, 2023|Our Approach|

Diving into SelfDesign philosophy: Part 4 – Cultivating mutual respect

This fourth article in our series about SelfDesign philosophy explores how mutual respect makes possible the positive supportive relationships we need and thrive under with people, animals and the planet. Fostering mutual respect with our kids takes us on a journey of partnership.

2024-09-05T09:58:30-07:00July 12th, 2023|Our Philosophy, Our Approach|

5 benefits of STEAM learning for kids

STEAM learning is so much more than learning the subjects of science, technology, engineering art and math. It prepares kids with important skills that set them up for success and promotes teamwork by encouraging kids to test hypotheses together and [...]

Change and community: SelfDesign’s Learner Council offers opportunities to connect and make a difference

Every fall, learners from grades 8 to 12 with SelfDesign Learning Community elect 10 of their peers to represent them on SelfDesign’s Learner Council. The main role of this group of elected learners is to be a voice for the [...]

2023-06-30T10:41:20-07:00June 28th, 2023|Our Approach|

Continuous learning; continuous improvement: An ongoing process at SelfDesign

SelfDesign’s Indigenous Education offerings continually evolve to further reconciliation and deepen our approach to First Peoples Principles of Learning Part 2 in our series on how we seek out and apply continuous learning and continuous improvement to all aspects of [...]

2024-08-16T06:19:37-07:00June 21st, 2023|Indigenous Education, Our Approach|

Continuous learning; continuous improvement: An ongoing process at SelfDesign

At SelfDesign Learning Foundation, we believe learning is a continuous and cumulative process. We apply this core belief and guiding value to every aspect of our organizational and educational approach. As an organization and a community, we are committed to [...]

2023-08-10T17:54:44-07:00May 31st, 2023|Our Approach|

BC Ministry-approved in 2022–2023: SelfDesign’s annual external evaluation by BC Ministry of Education and Child Care a success

BC Ministry of Education inspectors praised SelfDesign Learning Community for how we approach education and support our learners, educators and community. They also really like our grade 10 introductory Math offering.

2023-08-14T09:38:36-07:00May 24th, 2023|Our Approach|
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